The two surveys included in this tab are designed to exhibit popular sentiment on questions pertaining to the topic of private and public schools. The first survey is featured on, a website that allows users to create surveys. This survey was not created by myself however, the data has been made publicly available via the website by the creator. Respondents to this survey completed the survey online, there is no way of telling specifically where they are from. However, the survey includes some questions that offer data on the respondent pool. Some figures below serve to clarify who has responded to this particular survey. The second "ND survey" was completed during April of 2010. I sent out the questions to current male and female students at the University of Notre Dame and received 25 usable responses. Most of the respondents were male. While the respondent pool of this survey is relatively small, I believe it is sufficient to make general observations on trends concerning the topic of Public and Private schools. Both surveys work together elucidate the subject.
Figures concerning the respondent pool of the "Public vs. Private survey"
This survey's broad respondent pool offers validity to its responses. While the respondents of this survey are more highly varied than those of the ND survey, both surveys concentrate on college-aged individuals and have a bias towards the male gender.